Dear Friend ,
______________________ will be participating in a spiritual renewal weekend known as a “Walk To Emmaus” on ________________ at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Findlay, Ohio. This is a weekend when Christ’s love is experienced through a variety of ways—inspirational talks, worship, Holy Communion, and fellowship with other Christians. Although the Emmaus weekend is conducted in a group setting, the overall experience is a very personal one, unique to each participant.
A very important part of this experience is the time when each person is given personal letters, notes and cards that have been sent by special friends, family members, and fellow church members. These letters will be a very special part of ______’s weekend. I know that he will really appreciate having you be a part of this experience.
These messages give you a great opportunity to express your feelings for and appreciation of _____. You can express what your relationship/friendship with him/her has meant to you. It may give you the chance to recall some shared experience that has been special to the two of you. These messages can be humorous or serious.
These messages will be given personally to ______ at some point in the weekend. No one else will read it, so be as open as you would like. We are asking you to take the opportunity to send a special message to _______.
Here are a few simple instructions for sending your special message:
1. Write and sign your letter and place it in an envelope with his/her FIRST AND LAST NAME on the outside also write “pilgrim” under their name.
2. Place that envelope in a larger envelope addressed to me at: YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS
Mail the envelope to reach the above address no later than ____________, or I can drop by and pick them up. 3. Please don’t tell _______ about the above letter, this is to be a SURPRISE!!
If you know of other family and friends that would be willing to write a letter, please ask them to do so or give me their names and addresses.
Thank you for your help in making this weekend even more special for ______.
Also you are welcome to attend the closing Ceremony which will be on Sunday at 4:30 PM – The Church is located at 800 South Main Street , Findlay.
_________’s Emmaus Sponsor
Your Name
Your Contact Number