April 2020 Newsletter
Dear Emmaus Community
This Sunday we will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The stone was rolled away-not to let Jesus out- but to let us in! Everything Jesus told the disciples that would take place- HAPPENED, just like He said. He conquered death, hell and the grave.
In Hebrews 12:2 we read that – “He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” We are His joy and prize! He was faithful even unto death!
During these unchartered times when we as a people and a nation are experiencing life in a way we never have before- remember-GOD IS FAITHFUL! He is still on the throne. It has not been vacated! This is all new to us but not to our Father. I’m reminded of the old hymn: Many things about tomorrow I don’t seem to understand, but I know Who holds tomorrow and I know Who holds my hand.
In these times stay in fellowship with one another. It may be through face book, zoom, texting, email or a phone call. Use this time to take opportunities that arise to be “salt and light”. Send a card, write a letter or take a treat or meal to a neighbor. Check on the elderly, the widows and single moms. Stay connected with your small group. If you don’t have one, our Good Shepherd is: Ken Miller- ktcsm111@yahoo.com . If you have a need let someone in the community know. Board contacts are on the website.
In the cancellation of the April gathering and the Women’s June walk- we are not doing away with the reunions of Women’s Walk #109 and Men’s Walk #82. We will have both of these reunions the next time we have a gathering. Pray for one another, our nation, our leaders and pastors.
On behalf of the Greater Area Findlay Emmaus board we pray you all have a most blessed Easter. May we live our lives, not as human beings having a spiritual experience– but as spiritual beings having a human experience. Praise God our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is ALIVE! He rolled the stone away so we could believe.
Blessings- Roxie Craig- Chairman