Dear Emmaus Community-
Here we are with August passing and moving into September. School is back in session either by classroom or chrome book. We may feel a grieving for the loss of summer because we were not as connected and mobile as we would have normally been. A lot of churches are still just online. County fairs have been canceled. Sports are limited and Emmaus walks were canceled until 2021. For someone who doesn’t even like to wear lipstick on her mouth- a mask over it is getting old.
Our nation is so divided and there is so much unrest. It seems at every turn there is another crisis. Some would have us believe it is hopeless.
I am reminded of a story of three frogs that fell in a well. They were croaking and trying their hardest to jump out.
Two other frogs came to the edge of the well to see what the commotion was when they saw the three frogs. They hollered down to the three frogs that they should save their energy, give up and die- because there was no way they could jump out.
Two of the frogs jumped a few times then just gave up. The third frog though kept jumping with excitement. The more the frogs yelled at him to stop the higher he jumped until finally he jumped so high- he jumped right out of the well.
What was the difference between the two frogs that gave up and the one who jumped out? The one who jumped out was deaf! He thought the frogs that were yelling down were cheering him on telling him he could make it!
What message are you hearing with your ears and heart? Our God has not changed! He never changes! (Hebrews 13:8) He is still on the throne and still in control. My prayer for each one of you is Romans 15:13-May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.
We will be having an online gathering in September because they are not allowing gatherings in the park. Please join in. Details will be on the web site and face book.
On October 9th and 10th there will be a live 24 hr. prayer vigil in the Dock at St Marks Please visit the Emmaus Website to sign up Details will be on the web page and Facebook Please make a real effort to be a part of this vigil. If Jesus thought it important to take time for prayer- shouldn’t we? It is one of the greatest weapons of our warfare!
Please be encouraged and strengthened in the faith. If all hell breaks loose no matter where – it shall not prevail against the church of the living God. (Romans 16:18)
We are more than conquerors through Him Who loved us. Romans 8:37
DeColores- Roxie Craig- Board Chairman